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Sweeper Truck/Body Manufacturing in North America 2021

Publication Date: May 2021
Market Size, Competitive Shares, Trends & Outlook Underlying the Manufacture of Street Sweeper and Parking Lot Sweeper Truck/Bodies


2020 Data, 2021 Outlook, 5-Year Forward Forecasts, Impact of Covid19, 5-Year History


14 manufacturers analyzed and aggregated into an analytical framework to define a $335 million business in North America.


Includes Excel data tables!

This report details the truck-mounted street sweeper and parking lot sweeper manufacturing business in the United States and Canada. Also included is a brief overview of the unibody, self-propelled sweeper category, mostly used in parking lot sweeping and in road construction. However unibody sweeper data is not included in the tables of this report.
The sweepers included in this report are of two principal types—street sweepers and parking lot sweepers. All sweepers use either one of two primary sweeping techniques: mechanical broom-assisted or air-assisted. The air-assisted sweeper type in turn includes two types—vacuum sweepers which exhaust dust into the air, and regenerative air sweepers, which do not expel dust into the atmosphere. Street sweepers use mechanical, regenerative air and vacuum air technology, while most parking lot sweepers are vacuum sweepers.
While a few manufacturers offer both street sweepers and parking lot sweepers, most offer either one or the other. The three leading manufacturers in the street sweeper category accounted for 81% of units manufactured and 80% of dollar value of sales in 2020. In the parking lot sweeper category, the three leading manufacturers accounted for 72% of both unit shipments and dollar value of sales.
Replacement demand is the key demand driver. Leading manufacturers supply equipment worldwide.
These and other topics are the subject of this report from SpecialtyResearch.net (“SRN”). The report can be put to immediate use for sales and market planning, M&A identification, competitive share analysis, alliances and technology transfer considerations.

A.1 Scope & Method

A.2 Chassis Classes

A.3 Product Types

B. Market Size Estimates

C. Market Share Estimates

D. Market Share Estimates – By Sweeper Type

E. Distribution Channels

F. Recent Developments

G. Outlook – 2021-2025

H. Key Manufacturer Data


Below are the individual worksheets in the accompanying Excel file:

Summary: Market Size Estimates in Units & Dollars

Market Size – by Chassis: Market Size by Type: Estimated Units & Dollars

Market Size – by Sweeper Type & Chassis: Estimated Units & Dollars

Market Size – by Sweeping Technology: Estimated Units & Dollars

Market Size – by Sweeper Type & Sweeping Technology: Estimated Units & Dollars

Market Shares – All Manufacturers: Estimated Units & Dollars

Street Sweepers: Estimated Units & Dollars: All

Street Sweepers – by Chassis: Estimated Units & Dollars by Chassis Class

Street Sweepers – by Sweeping Technology: Estimated Units & Dollars by Sweeping Technology

Parking Lot Sweepers: Estimated Units & Dollars: All

Parking Lot Sweepers – by Chassis: Estimated Units & Dollars by Chassis Class

Parking Lot Sweepers-by Tech: Parking Lot Sweepers:  Estimated Units & Dollars: by Sweeping Technology

Key Manufacturer Data: All Manufacturers: City, State/Province, Country, Total Employees, Revenue & Ownership

Historical: Historical Data by Sweeper Type: Estimated Units 2015 – 2019

Outlook: Outlook by Sweeper Type: Estimated Units 2021 – 2025

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Price: $3,000.00

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