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Pickup Truck Equipment: Customer Metrics

Publication Date: Dec 2024

Market Survey Report Series: 2024/04


Pickup Truck Equipment:
Customer Metrics

Truck Bed Slide-Outs|Truck Caps| Tonneau/Truck Bed Covers


Dealer & Upfitter/Installer Feedback

Method: Survey of dealers and upfitters of pick-up truck bed slides-outs, caps & tonneaus in the United States and Canada
Market feedback on the sales distribution and upfit process, specifically:

  1. Dealer – brand(s) represented matrix
  2. Share of installs/upfits on new pickup v. used pickups
  3. Share of installs at ship-thru locations v. commercial/retail upfit locations
  4. Share of fleet customers v. retail users
  5. Frequency of used truck bed slide installs

Survey reports are client-query driven and address specific aspects of the market and distribution networks for vocational truck bodies, equipment, trailers, vans, and related equipment.
Please contact us at info@specialtyresearch.net for your custom survey requirements


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  3. If the report is being purchased at the discounted pre-published promotion stage, the download link will be an acknowledgement specifying later delivery of the report, when released.
  4. The charge on your credit card statement will be from “Ivy Management LLC.”
  5. We accept Purchase Orders from known brand-name companies. P.O.s can be emailed to info@specialtyresearch.net.
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