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Heavy-Duty (Class 8) Vocational & Work Truck/Body Manufacturing in North America 2023

Publication Date: Apr 2024

2022 Data | 2023 Outlook | 5‑Year Forward Forecasts| 5‑Year History


Comprehensive Data on 275+ body fabricators in 12 key types of Truck Bodies mounted on Heavy-Duty (Class 8) truck chassis


Excel Database

Truck/Body Segments Analyzed

  1. Concrete Mixer & Pump Truck/Bodies
  2. Dump Truck/Bodies
  3. Flatbed Truck/Bodies
  4. Grain Truck/Bodies
  5. Grapple Loader Truck/Bodies
  6. Hoist & Carrier Truck/Bodies
  7. Lube Truck/Bodies
  8. Refuse Loader Truck/Bodies
  9. Tank Truck/Bodies
  10. Tow & Carrier Truck/Bodies
  11. Vacuum Tank Trucks – Hydro Excavators, Industrial Vacuum Loaders, Combination Sewer Cleaners & Coded Vacuum Tank Truck/Bodies
  12. Vacuum Tank Trucks – Septic & Portable Restroom


  • 2022 Heavy-Duty Vocational Truck/Body Market Size by Segment in Units & Dollars
  • Market Shares: Industry and by Truck/Body type: Units & Dollars
  • Geographic distribution of production
  • Key manufacturer data – revenue, employees and ownership for all manufacturers


This project is also available as a Complete Report on 16 truck/body segments, across all chassis classes, AND/OR by 16 individual truck/body segments.


Click on the link below for information on the Complete Report: Comprehensive Data and Analysis on 375+ body fabricators in 16 key types of chassis-mounted truck bodies

Vocational & Work Truck/Body Manufacturing in North America

Excel Database file with the following individual worksheets:

Summary: Market Size Estimates by Segment in Units & Dollars

All Units – Alpha Order: All Manufacturers: Estimated Units

All Dollars – Alpha Order: All Manufacturers: Estimated Dollars ($ Mill.)

All Units – Rank Order: All Manufacturers: Estimated Units

All Dollars – Rank Order: All Manufacturers: Estimated Dollars ($ Mill.)

Key Manufacturer Data

Historical Data by Segment: Estimated Units: 2017 – 2021

Outlook by Segment: Estimated Units: 2023 – 2027

Geography: Manufacturer Count, Estimated Units & Dollars by State/Province

Concrete Mixer & Pump




Grapple Loaders



Refuse Loaders





Sample sheets will be provided upon request.


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  3. Link to download report expires after 72 hours. Please contact us if you need to renew the link.
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  5. The charge on your credit card statement will be from “Ivy Management LLC.”
  6. We accept Purchase Orders from known brand-name companies. P.O.s can be emailed to info@specialtyresearch.net.
  7. If you place your order by phone, download links will be emailed to your attention.
  8. You acknowledge our Terms of Sale.

Price: $8,000.00

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